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Saint Faustina was certainly a gifted soul. She had such great wisdom in the spiritual life and she received it all from the hand of God.
St. John Paul II had a great devotion to her and used all of his influence to further the cause of her canonization. He knew that her writings and example would be a beacon of hope in a world clouded in darkness.
In particular, Saint Faustina was a great spiritual Warrior and encourages us today to prepare for the spiritual battle that rages for our soul. She gives us three words of advice that will greatly help us win the war: trust, prepare, pray.
1. Trust
“[The soul who has received much light and many inspirations] knows that to be faithful it will often have to face various difficulties, but it trusts in God and, thanks to this trust, it reaches that point to which God is calling it. Difficulties do not terrify it…just as a warrior who is constantly in battle is not terrified by the roar of the cannon. Far from being frightened, it listens to determine from which side the enemy is launching his attack, in order to defeat him.” (Diary, Notebook I, 145, emphasis added)
Saint Faustina urges us to trust in God, especially in the numerous trials and difficulties of life. If we trust in Him, we will not be afraid of the battles that ensue, but instead we will be fortified and ready to take on whatever comes to us. It is no coincidence that Jesus had the inscription at the bottom of the Divine Mercy image be, “Jezu, ufam Tobie”–“Jesus, I Trust in Thee.”
2. Prepare
“In time of peace, as well, the soul continues making efforts, just as in time of battle. It must exercise itself, and do so with energy; otherwise it has no chance of attaining victory. I regard the time of peace as a time of preparation for victory. The soul must be ever watchful; watchfulness and again, watchfulness.” (Diary, Notebook I, 145, emphasis added)
Saint Faustina encourages us to continue to prepare for the spiritual battle at hand, especially in times of peace and grace. We might be tempted (during a period when temptations are low) to let our guard down and stay where we are. A good warrior never stops training and a successful athlete never ceases practicing. If a great warrior stopped training during a time of peace, his muscles would not be ready to charge into battle the moment a war broke out. So too in the spiritual life.
3. Pray
Prayer–A soul arms itself by prayer for all kinds of combat. In whatever state the soul may be, it ought to pray. A soul which is pure and beautiful must pray, or else it will lose its beauty; a soul which is striving after this purity must pray, or else it will never attain it; a soul which is newly converted must pray, or else it will fall again; a sinful soul, plunged in sins, must pray so that it might rise again. There is no soul which is not bound to pray, for every single grace comes to the soul through prayer. (Diary, Notebook I, 146, emphasis added)
Saint Faustina urges us all to pray, regardless of what state we are in life. Both sinners and saints alike must pray, for God is the one who gives the strength needed to endure every trial. Without a prayer life, we are like fish out of water.
Let us follow after the example of Saint Faustina and trust, prepare and pray. Then and only then will we be closer to final victory.
Source: Divine Mercy In My Soul-Diary of Sister M. Faustina Kowalska