As many of you know, we are currently preparing a comic book based on the lives and legends of the monks who lived on Skellig Michael, an isolated island off the coast of Ireland. It has been an amazing process, bringing to life these inspiring men who created the famous bee-hive huts seen in the latest Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi.
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“The Last Monks of Skellig Michael,” is an ongoing comic series that explores the radical life and exciting adventures of the ancient monastic community on the famous island. It is aimed at both teen and adult audiences. In creating this comic book a great emphasis was put on crafting an engaging story while matching it with equally stunning visuals.
To learn more about the project, click here.
Responsible for these beautiful pieces of artwork is Michael LaVoy. He is learning many great lessons from veteran comic book artist Jim Fern, whose experience has been invaluable.
We hope you enjoy and look forward to delivering an amazing comic book in July!
If you weren’t able to participate in our Kickstarter campaign, you can still pre-order the comic book here!