
Protect Your Home and Bring God’s Blessing Upon Your Family This Year

One tradition that is worth reviving is the annual blessing of homes around the Feast of the Epiphany. Not only does it place God at the entrance of your home, it places your entire family under the protection of the Almighty. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]The Angel of Death and the First Passover (illustration from the 1897 Bible Pictures

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How to Stay Focused During Prayer and Reduce Unnecessary Distractions

While traveling with a poor farmer, Saint Bernard kept his eyes downcast and prayed silently. The farmer was confused and asked the abbot why he did that. Bernard replied that he did it to keep himself from being distracted during prayer. The farmer boldly proclaimed, “I’m never distracted when I pray.” The saint objected, “I don’t believe

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The Secret to Praying Without Looking at the Clock

Do you ever find yourself constantly checking your watch during prayer? Personally, I have fallen into this trap many times especially during holy hours. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”] I felt I was either racing against the clock in order to “get all my prayer done” or I was struggling to fill the hour with meaningful prayer and checked

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