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Here are three ways mined from the riches of the Christian tradition that will help us follow the voice of the Good Shepherd instead of the Wolf in sheep’s clothing. In particular, Satan’s voice always has these three qualities:
1. It Contradicts God’s Commandments
Just like Adam and Eve in the Garden, Satan always lures us away from God’s Commandments. Satan will try to convince us that we don’t need to go to Mass or that pornography really isn’t all that bad or that gossip doesn’t actually hurt anyone.
That is why we need to form our conscience well in the 10 Commandments and not just stop at “Thou shalt not murder.” There is much more to that commandment than killing another person. Here is a very thorough Examination of Conscience to help.
2. It Creates Anxiety Rather Than Peace
Satan seeks to divide and conquer and in the process he creates great confusion in our life.
In effect, one of the most common strategies of the devil in his efforts to distance us from God and to slow our spiritual progress is to attempt to cause the loss of our interior peace. Here is what Dom Lorenzo Scupoli…who was highly esteemed by Saint Francis de Sales, said: “The devil does his utmost to banish peace from one’s heart, because he knows that God abides in peace and it is in peace that He accomplishes great things.” (Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart
by Father Jacques Philippe)
The key here is to always test the voice/decision and to see if it creates peace or anxiety in our hearts. This is a vital part of discerning God’s will every day, especially when it comes to discerning our vocation in life. God is a God of peace.
3. It Accuses us and Brings us Down
Another key aspect of God’s voice is that He always seeks to affirm us and tell us about our beauty as children of God. The devil will try to convince us that we are terrible, horrible, awful human beings. He will do his worst to tell us that we are worthless, sinful, wretched men and women. After we have committed a sin, Satan will always tell us that God does not love us and that we are not worthy enough to be in Heaven. Satan is the Accuser.
The devil hates the Sacrament of Confession with all his might and will do all he can to tell us how miserable we are and that we could never receive God’s Mercy.
On the other hand, God will always tell us how beautiful we are in His eyes and how we must never be afraid to come to Him. He is the Father of the Prodigal Son, always ready to embrace us after we have fallen and lift us up. God desires to hold a banquet for us and to kill the fattened calf. God is our Advocate.
The spiritual battle for our soul is not easy, but by taking these three principles we will be better able to follow God’s voice instead of the Enemy who seeks to destroy us.